Extract Files From Multiple Folders Mac

One of the most useful commands in Linux is the ability to zip (compress) and unzip (extract) the files and folders. We don’t fully understand how useful this really is. That is because honestly, we take the ability to zip and unzip files for granted. Most of the personal computers run Windows OS. And you can compress any number of files by right click and select send to compressed. Now imagine you have a full WordPress site hosted on a Linux VPS. And you want to move it to another location. It is a very simple task. But quickly becomes difficult without knowing how to zip (compress) and unzip (extract) files and folders in a Linux VPS. Today, I will show you all the different methods of compressing and extracting files in Linux using very simple commands. I am using a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Cloud server from Vultr for this tutorial, but this should work on all Linux systems regardless of which operating system you have.

Command line done from c: and will extract all 1, 2, 3.zip files from those sub directories. Switch -r (Recurse subdirectories) is not for your task. One method is to use a FOR/IN/DO loop to recurse the directory structure performing the desired 7-Zip command upon each ZIP archive. Look at the below command line. Extract attachments from multiple email files in single click; Option to auto detects configured profiles or identities of Mac Outlook / Office 365; Add File(s) and Add Folder option to add OLK file separately; Capable to Extract attachments form OLM file seperately; Permits to Save multiple attachments of emails from PST file; Option to create folder according to attachment extension directly.

To specify a password, you have to manually edit the passwordfile.txt file located in the C: Program Files Unrar Extract and Recover 4.5 bin folder and enter 1 password per line. Although the program is absolutely clean, there does seem to be a few possible security issues with the main website, the link below is to download from Softpedia.


PuTTY, a popular terminal emulator, is an open-source, light-weight, and free SSH client. It was developed by Simon Tatham in C language. Its primary function is to connect to a computer remotely while offering the facilities of transferring files, manipulating data, etc. Most important is to have unfolding directories and ability to select multiple files from anywhere within the tree structure simultaneously. Other important features I am looking for: 1. Drag and Drop with Spring loaded folders 2. Tabbed windows 3. Quickview like previews 5. Ability to change color and background image of windows 6. Browse for the file or files that you want to extract. When you open the EXE file in 7-Zip, you'll be shown a list of files and folders that the EXE file contains. You can double-click folders to see the files stored inside. You can select multiple files by holding Ctrl and clicking each one. 7-Zip for Linux is the best solution for file compression and decompression. And if you are the type of person who regularly deals with compressed files such as Zip and RAR formats, well then, the 7Zip should be on our list of installed apps.

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I am using a Windows 10 computer as a client to connect to the Linux Cloud VPS using Putty as my terminal program. If you are also using Windows PC, I highly recommend you to use Putty to make the SSH connection. For Mac and Linux users, you can simply use terminal to connect to the server using the ssh command.

First of all, we need to connect to the Linux cloud VPS using Putty or Terminal. I won’t be showing you how to do it. If you have just bought a cloud VPS for the first time, the VPS company must have sent you an email about it.

Once you are logged into the server SSH, we can start typing in the commands.

How to unzip / Extract files in Linux

Step 1: Navigate to the right directory

The first thing you need to do, after login, is to find the .zip file. Basically, we will need to change our working directory to the folder which has our .zip file. And to do that, we use the command called cd Focusrite saffire 6 usb driver windows 10. , short for change directory.

For example, if I want to unzip or extract a file called word.zip. And this file is in the folder called public. I will need to open the public folder and then run the unzip command.

So, run the following command. replace path/to/folder with the actual folder path.

cd path/to/folder

Step 2: Verify that the zip file is there in the folder.

You can do it by running the ls command. This is the list command, and it lists all the files and directories in the current working directory.

Step 3: Unzip (Extract) the zip file

This step can vary a little. Basically, if you want to unzip/extract the zip file in the current directory, then it is a simple command.

Create Multiple Folders From List

unzip word.zip

Don’t forget to replace word.zip with the actual name of the zip file.

Pro tip: If the file name is very long and complicated, you can type a few starting letters of the file name and then press the tab key. Many SSH clients, including putty, will auto-complete the name for you. This is a major time saver.

How to extract/unzip to a specific directory?

For example, you are moving a WordPress website and you wish to unzip extract the backup zip to the public_html folder. How do you do that? Well, it is very simple, all you have to do is add the destination directory at the end of the unzip command.

unzip word.zip -d /home/user/public_html/

-d option tells Linux that the directory after it is the required destination folder.

That’s it, you have successfully extracted the zip file. But what if you receive the bash: unzip: command not found error? This happens if your Linux system does not have the unzip command installed.

How to fix the bash: unzip: command not found error?

To fix this error, you will need to install the unzip command in your Linux system. You can do it by running the following command.

If you have Ubuntu or Debian based Linux distro, you will need to run the following command.

sudo apt-get install unzip -y

For RedHat, Fedora and CentOS based systems, you will need to run the following command.

sudo yum install unzip -y

Don’t use sudo if you are using a root user. The -y argument is optional. It basically skips the verification prompt and runs the command without asking for verification.

How do i extract files from multiple folders on a mac

Fun fact: When you run the command to install zip command, Linux will automatically install the unzip command as well.

Now you can run the unzip command again, and this time you should see that the zip is being extracted successfully.

How to unzip/extract a particular file from the zip in Linux?

Let’s say you want to only extract one particular file out of a .zip file. How do you do that? Well, it is very easy, let me show you how.

unzip zipfile.zip filename

In this command, the zipfile.zip is the zip archive you already have. And filename is the file you wish to extract. So make sure to replace zipfile.zip and filename with actual names. Otherwise you will get an error.

How to Zip / Compress one file in Linux VPS?

Step 1: Navigate to the right folder

After you have successfully logged into the cloud VPS via SSH, you will need to go to the folder which has the file you want to zip/compress. For me this is the /tmp folder, so I will be running the cd command like this.

cd /tmp

Make sure to replace the /tmp folder with the actual path of the folder.

Step 2: Zip/Compress the file

Now simply run the following command in the terminal window and the file will be compressed.

zip zipfile.zip filename

zipfile.zip is the file name of the resulting zip archive file. For example, if I have a photo.png file and I wish to compress it as picture.zip, I will run the following command. Webex meeting download for mac.

zip picture.zip photo.png

How to zip/compress multiple files in Linux?

To compress multiple files in a zip archive in Linux, you can run the following command in the terminal.

zip zipfile.zip filename1 filename2 filename3 …

Keep in mind that the zipfile.zip will be the resulting .zip archive which will have the filename1 and all the files in it.

How to compress/zip all files in a folder in Linux?

If you wish to zip all files in a folder using one command, it is very simple in Linux. Here I have an example command which you can use.

zip zipname.zip folder/*

Mac Terminal Zip Multiple Files Extractor

And if you wish to zip/compress all the files in the current directory, use the following command.

zip zipname.zip *

The zipname.zip is the resulting zip archive. And the * tell Linux that you want to compress every file in the folder, and put it in the zipname.zip file.

How to zip/compress all files in a folder including sub-directories? (Recursive)

What if you want to compress not only the files in a folder, but also include all the sub-folders and their files as well in the zip archive? This is particularly helpful if you wish to create a full backup of all the files.

zip -r zipfilename.zip foldername

Make sure to change the zipfilename.zip to the actual name of the zip file you wish to have. This is the .zip file Linux will create. Don’t confuse it with a file you may already have. The -r attribute tells Linux that the zip command is recursive, and it needs to include all the sub-directories as well.

How to fix bash: zip: command not found error?

For those of you who are unable to run the zip command because of the bash: zip: command not found error, let me show you how to fix it. Basically, this error mostly comes when you have minimal Linux distro, instead of the full image. You can fix this by simply running the following command in the terminal.

For Ubuntu/Debian based systems, run the following command.

sudo apt-get install zip -y

And if you have Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS based system, run the following command.

sudo yum install zip -y

Don’t use sudo if you are using a root user. The -y argument is optional. It basically skips the verification prompt and runs the command without asking for verification.

Extract Files From Multiple Folders Mac

Now run the zip command and it should start compressing the files with no issues.

Fun fact: You don’t really need to add the .zip file extenstion when using the zip command. It is only used for the understanding of our human minds. When you will run the zip command, it will automatically add .zip extension to the first name after zip.

That’s it, now you know how to zip (compress) and unzip (extract) files in Linux (VPS) using the SSH terminal commands. If you liked this tutorial then make sure to share it with others and also don’t forget to follow us on twitter for more tutorials like this.

7-Zip for Linux is the best solution for file compression and decompression. And if you are the type of person who regularly deals with compressed files such as Zip and RAR formats, well then, the 7Zip should be on our list of installed apps. Before we show you how to install and use the software on Linux, make sure to check out our other guides on 7Zip.

For compressed files, 7Zip is the only one that can compare head to head with the ever-popular WinRAR. But in reality, 7Zip is the much better one. As a matter of fact, 7Zip is a tool for many professionals who really know their stuff.


  • 3 7-Zip Commands
    • 3.1 Command Options

What is 7-Zip?

7Zip is a powerful tool in the right hands. It is a secure open-source file archiver that can compress multiple files into one simplified cabinet-like folder and vice versa.

The 7Zip was created by Igor Pavlov back in 1999. It supports the most known compression type of formats on both packing and unpacking methods. This includes ZIP, Gzip, bzip2, xz, tar and WIM for Windows installer.

Basically, the 7Zip archiving tool is pretty much near-universal in terms of its focused purpose. It has a powerful compression algorithm and supports password protection. This app is a tool for benchmarking processing power by some experts. According to some reviewers, the 7Zip is a tool far better than what the popular counterpart can do. Nevertheless, it is not perfect and has its own downsides.

Mac Terminal Zip Multiple Files File

There are two main accesses to use 7Zip. One is through a 7Zip command line. The other one is through your typical graphical interface which is more user-friendly for most users. The 7Zip for Linux will work more on the command-line support.

How to Install 7-Zip for Linux

For those of you that are not familiar with how apps are installed on Linux or any Linux-based distribution, this is the 7Zip tutorial written just for you. This will be the simplest coding you will ever do so you should be able to follow this if you manage to do this in repetition. Still, it’s not as easy as installing 7Zip for Windows or Mac. Yes, it’s just like they said, practice makes perfect.

On Ubuntu and some other Linux-based platform, 7Zip is packaged as p7Zip. To install p7Zip, you will need to do this procedure. Here’s how it goes.

  1. The first thing you need to do is to launch the Terminal to execute some commands. If you cannot find the Terminal, you can use Ubuntu’s search service and type in Terminal.
  2. On the Terminal, type in this command: sudo apt-get update
  3. You will be asked to enter your password. Please do so as this first command will update your system.
  4. Once the system update finishes, you will need to type in this command: sudo apt-get install p7Zip-full
  5. Again, you will need to enter your system password to confirm the command request.
  6. The command will now start to download the necessary files from the repository
  7. As soon as all the files are downloaded, you will be asked if you want to continue or not with the installation. Type “Y” for yes and “N” for no. In this case, just type “Y” and press the Enter key.
  8. This will now initiate the unpacking of the downloaded files and start setting it up for installation.
  9. When the command line appears again, it means the installation is through.
  10. To make sure that the 7Zip really installed on your Linux computer you will need to type in this command: sudo apt-qq list p7Zip-full
  11. Type in your system password again to confirm the request.
  12. Read the following line and find the word “Installed.”
  13. Now type this command: sudo dpkg -s p7Zip-full grep Status
  14. The next line should say “Installed” again.
  15. That’s it. You now have 7Zip installed on your Ubuntu system.

7-Zip Commands

Now, if you want to know all the corresponding commands to execute some tasks, you will only need to launch the Terminal again. From the Terminal, just type in 7Z. It should show you the different types of commands that you can use. To execute any command, it should follow this pattern:

  • 7z [command option] [archive file name & format] [files]

Command Options

  • a —means to add files in archive
  • l —means to list the contents of archive
  • u — means to update the files in the archive
  • e — means to extract files from archive without their full path
  • x — means to extract files from archive with their full path
  • d — means to delete files from archive

For the “archive file name & format” you will type in the name of the compressed file that you want as output with the file format that you want like ZIP, RAR, or 7Z. For the “files” that the name of the file that you want to compress. To do this, here is an example and how to do it:

Mac Terminal Zip Multiple Files Folder

  1. Create a folder on your desktop.
  2. Paste the file inside that folder. Let’s assume that the file’s name is “Sample.”
  3. Now, still in the same folder, launch the Terminal.
  4. Now, type in this command: 7z a Sample.zip Sample
  5. Wait for a few seconds or minutes depending on the size of the file. The bigger the file, the longer the compression takes place.
  6. That’s it. A new file will now appear inside the folder with the name Sample.zip next to the original file named Sample.
Extract files from multiple folders mac


Mac Terminal Zip Multiple Files

For the old-timers and advanced users, these commands will be such ease. But if this is your first time, you will need some getting used to. Ubuntu and other Linux-based distributions are a bit complicated especially if you came from the point-and-click operating system like Windows 7 to 10.

Now, as a question for today’s topic, do you think the 7Zip for Linux is a good tool? If not, do you have an alternative in mind? If you do, do tell us in the comment section. We would love to know your recommendations.

Mac Terminal Zip Multiple Files Recovery Software

If you have any questions about today’s topic, please feel free to leave your message in the comment section below as well. We will try to get back to you as soon as we can.

Get a secure archiver app

Extract Files From Multiple Folders Mac Os

Compress and unpack any files on Mac with Archiver.

The allure of zipped files is simple: they allow you to directly send and receive files, or batches of files, without encroaching on file size limits. Often, email providers have limits on how large attachments can be. Zip files make it easy to bypass that limitation without sending multiple emails.

Zipping files can also be useful for compressing files for storage on your Mac, or an external hard drive.

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How do you open a zip file on a Mac? Or what's the best way to do that? There are, of course, several methods for creating archives, such as built-in utilities, Terminal, and third-party apps. Below, we are going to explore how to unzip files on Mac, how to create zip archives, and showcase some archivers that make it really easy to zip and manage zipped files.

What is a Zip file?

A zip file is a lossless way to compress and archive files and folders. You often encounter zip files in emails, as mentioned, but also when downloading from the internet. If you've ever downloaded an app or extension directly from a developer website, chances are it was a zipped file.

It uses the '.zip' filename, and its icon is typically a folder with a zipper running up the middle. Zipping files is a time-tested method, and is largely unchanged. Its use-cases have expanded, though. We use zip files for sending large files and bundles of PDF or text files, but it's now used as a method to send large folders of images as well as for downloading applications or games from the internet.

How to zip files on a Mac

Before we talk about some special apps and tools, we need to mention built-in macOS's utility that allows you to compress and decompress files and folders. Your Mac's simple Archive Utility, stored in the Applications > Utilities folder, is a simple, direct way to zip files. Its functionality is limited, but it's a decent option for quick zipping and unzipping of files and folders when you need to open zip files someone has sent you.

Here's how to zip a file on Mac with the Archive Utility:

  1. Find the file or files you want to zip.
    Note: if you'd like to zip multiple files, it's best to put those files in the same folder. Then you can proceed to step two.
  2. Right-click on the file or folder.
  3. Select 'compress'
FoldersExtract Files From Multiple Folders Mac

That's all it takes. Note the zipped file or folder will be created in the same location as the file or folder you zipped. You can move it manually if you like.

If you want to zip multiple files without first adding them to a folder, that's also possible with Archive Utility. Here's how:

  1. Open the folder with files or folders you want to zip up
  2. Select the items you want to include in the zip file and right-click on any one of the items.
  3. Select 'Compress (x) Items' from the pop-up menu.

Once again, a progress bar will display. When the compression is finished, zipped items will be stored in a file called Archive.zip, which will be located in the same folder as the original items.

How to create an encrypted zip archive

Now that you know how to create a zip file on Mac, you may be wondering how to encrypt that zipped file. Archive Utility doesn't allow for this, but you can use the Terminal to accomplish this feat. Here's how:

  1. Open 'Terminal' from your Applications
  2. Enter the following command: cd desktop
  3. Press enter on your Mac's keyboard
  4. Enter the following command: zip -e [zipped filename]
    Note: Do not use brackets. If your filename were 'test.zip', you would enter: zip -e test.zip
  5. Press enter
  6. Terminal will ask for you to assign and verify a password.

The encrypted file will then appear on your desktop. Opening it will require a password.

We should note this method is clunky, a bit confusing for many – and dealing with Terminal is always a bit nerve-wracking. There's a much better way!

Get BetterZip for all ZIP tasks

Create encrypted ZIP archives and handle compression effortlessly. BetterZip is part of Setapp, so it’s free to try for 7 days.

BetterZip is an app that makes compression and encryption a breeze. In fact, you can set BetterZip up to encrypt all files by default! It uses strong AES-256 encryption, and has the same lossless compression you'll find with any zipping method.

Here's how to encrypt zip files using BetterZip:

  1. Open BetterZip on your Mac.
  2. From the menu bar, select 'BetterZip,' and 'Preferences'
  3. From the 'Presets' menu, select the 'Save' menu
  4. Select 'Clean and Zip'
  5. Under 'Encryption method,' select 'Strong (AES-256)'

If you'd like to use the same password for every file you encrypt, you can enter it in the filed just below 'encryption method'. If you don't supply a password, BetterZip will prompt you for one each time you zip and encrypt a file.

BetterZip is impressive for encrypting every zip file you create. If you're looking for a simpler approach, Archiver is the app you're looking for. It uses a drag-and-drop interface, and makes encryption as easy as checking a box and assigning a password. Here's how:

  1. Open Archiver on your Mac
  2. Drag the file you want to zip into the app
  3. Select 'encrypt' if you want to secure the file with a password
  4. Enter and verify your password
  5. Select 'Archive'

How to add files to an existing zip file

BetterZip is your best path forward for adding files to an already zipped file. Here's how it's done:

  1. Open BetterZip on your Mac
  2. Select the zipped file you want to add new files to
  3. Select 'Add' from the top of the betterZip window
  4. Select the file or files you'd like to add to your already zipped file
    Note: If you want to add multiple files, you can shift-click to add a list, or command-click to add them one at a time.
  5. Select and hold 'Save' from the top left of the BetterZip window
  6. In the menu that appears, select 'Clean and Zip'

This creates a new .zip folder with the already-zipped file, as well as the files you added, all of which are now zipped in the same folder.

Extract Multiple Zip Folders

Unzip files on a Mac

Unzipping files on your Mac is simple. The best method is using the built-in Archive Utility app. The process is simple, and essentially a reversal of the process for zipping a file. Here's how to unzip files:

  1. Right-click the zipped folder or file you'd like to unzip
  2. Select 'open with'
  3. Select 'Archive Utility'

The zipped file or folder will be unzipped. If you'd like to re-zip the file, simple follow the steps we've outlined in this article to zip it again.

How to open zip files as a pro

To open zipped files and folders, both BetterZip and Archive are great options. We especially like BetterZip, here, because each zipped file or folder is previewed in the BetterZip window before you open it up. That way, you always know what you're about to open!

Here's how to unzip files using BetterZip.

  1. Open BetterZip
  2. Select the zipped file or folder you want to unzip
  3. Select 'Extract' from the top of the BetterZip window

Your file or folder will be unzipped.

Here's the method if you choose Archive:

  1. Open Archive on your Mac
  2. Select the zipped file or folder you want to unzip
  3. Drag it to the Archive window
  4. Select it from the menu
  5. Select 'Extract' from the bottom of the Archive window

That's all it takes!

Look inside the archive without extraction

Viewing a zipped file without actually unzipping it can be important if you have many zipped files on your computer, or have zipped folders and can't remember where you stuck a particular file.

For this, we like BetterZip. It automatically offers up a preview of zipped files and folders on the right side of its screen. There's no guessing, or fussy methodology. All you have to do is select the file in BetterZip, and the preview loads immediately.

Extract a separate file from a zip archive

Again, we really like BetterZip for this. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open BetterZip on your Mac
  2. Select the zipped folder with the file(s) you want to extract
  3. Right click the file you want to extract
  4. Select 'Extract Selected' from the drop-down menu

Unzip files and folders using Terminal

If you would rather unzip files using the Terminal, here's how to do it:

  1. Open Terminal on your Mac
  2. Change directory to where your zipped file or folder is located using the 'cd' command. (As an example, if your zipped file were in the documents folder, you would enter 'cd documents' into Terminal – without the quotations. Keep in mind if your zipped file is buried in another folder, you will have to change directory until you reach the file's location.)
  3. Enter the following command: unzip [filename]. (If your file were named zipped-stuff.zip, you would enter 'unzip zipped-stuff.zip' – again, no quotations.)
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Extract All Files From Folders