Mac Run Android Emulator

If you've been looking for a way to develop your Xamarin Android apps in a Parallels Desktop Windows VM, but run the app in an Android emulator on your Mac, this post is an attempt to distill the information from across multiple sites to get you started.

With Android emulators, you don’t have to choose between macOS and Android. By installing an emulator on your Mac, you can run all the latest Android games and Android-exclusives on macOS. Emulators can also be useful if you’re building your own mobile app and want to test the user experience on Android. Here are some of the best Android. BlueStacks is known by many users to be the most comprehensive Android app player in the market, and with good reason. Aside from running on both Windows and Mac, this emulator comes jam-packed with a ton of features to improve the gamer’s experience. BlueStacks is known by many users to be the most comprehensive Android app player in the market, and with good reason. Aside from running on both Windows and Mac, this emulator comes jam-packed with a ton of features to improve the gamer’s experience. An Android or iOS application or a browser gets emulated by an emulator on an operating system considered as a defined one, such as that of Mac and Windows. What it does is that it establishes virtual hardware conditions of that of an Android or iOS device.

Many thanks to James Montemagno for pointing me to Paul Batum's post on the Xamarin forum.

My Configuration

  • Intel MBP running OS X Mavericks
  • Parallels Desktop running a Windows 8 VM

Set up your Mac

1. Download & Install the Android SDK

Nothing can get done until the Android SDK is installed, so let's start there.

Install the Android SDK

You should end up with an SDK directory somewhere on your Mac with subdirectories like: extras, platform tools, tools, etc.

Yeah? -- Okay. Next.

2. Install the Intel HAXM

Intel HAXM - What?

Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager. In short, it speeds up Android app emulation on Intel host machines. This step is necessary if you plan on creating custom AVDs that leverage the much faster Intel x86 images.

Install the Intel OS X HAXM Zip

Do you use OS X Mavericks + Parallels Desktop 9 ?

Install the OS X 10.9 HAXM Hotfix

If you don't do this, when you launch an Intel x86 emulator image, your entire computer will freeze up forcing you to perform a hard reboot. No one wants that.


3. Configure your Mac for SSH sharing

In OS X Go To:
System Preferences > Sharing > Enable Remote Login

Leave the other options set to their defaults.

4. Start the Android emulator

Several AVDs came pre-configured when you installed the Android SDK. For the sake of this tutorial, we'll use one of those devices which use ARM images. To view the configured devices, start the AVD Manager:

  • Open a command line

  • Navigate to the tools directory of your Android SDK: yourandroidsdkdirectory/tools

  • Enter the following command:

    ./android avd

  • The AVD Manager will open

Start an Android device:

  • select a device with a green check
  • press Start..
  • the Launch Options dialog will appear. Press Launch

Earlier, we installed HAXM which allows the use of the Intel x86 images which run much faster than their ARM counterparts. If you'd like to try those out: open the SDK Manager, download the x86 images, then configure devices in the AVD Manager to use the x86 images instead of the ARM images.

  • Open a command line

  • Navigate to the tools directory of your Android SDK: yourandroidsdkdirectory/tools

  • Enter the following command:


  • download the x86 images

  • edit a device in the AVD Manager to use an x86 image instead of an ARM image

5. Kill the ADB Server

  • Open a command line

  • Navigate to the platform-tools directory of your Android SDK: yourandroidsdkdirectory/platform-tools

  • Enter the following command:

    ./adb kill-server

Okay! -- Your Mac is ready.

Set up you Windows VM

1. Start your Windows VM in Parallels Desktop

2. Download and install PuTTY SSH Client

Install the PuTTY SSH Client

3. Create a new connection to your Mac

Let's connect to the Mac.

  • Start PuTTY SSH Client
  • Select Session from the Category panel on the left
  • In the Host Name (or IP Address) field, enter the IP Address of you Mac (found at: System Preferences > Sharing)
  • Leave the Port set to its default (should be 22)
  • Make sure SSH is selected under Protocol

4. Configure port forwarding

Select Connection > SSH > Tunnels from the Category panel on the left side of the PuTTY SSH Client. From here add two forwarding configurations.


  • Source Port: 5555
  • Destination: localhost:5555


  • Source Port: 5554

  • Destination: localhost:5554

  • Click on Open

You will be presented with a command line console. When prompted, enter your Mac admin username and password to open a connection from your Windows VM to OS X.

5. Kill then Start the ADB Server

  • Open a command line

  • Navigate to the platform-tools directory of your Android SDK: yourandroidsdkdirectory/platform-tools

  • Enter the following command:

    Thx calibration disk download. adb.exe kill-server

  • Then enter the following command:

    adb.exe start-server

  • Confirm that your Mac emulator device has been picked up by entering the following command:

    adb.exe devices

  • You should see a device listed something like: emulator-5554

6. Open a Xamarin Android project

Now for the big test!

Launch your Xamarin IDE of choice and open a Xamarin Android project. Once the project initializes, you should see your already running Mac emulator listed in the device dropdown.

And that's it! -- You can debug all day long from Parallels over to your Mac.

The Bonus Round - Genymotion Emulator

The AVD emulator that comes with the Android SDK is fine, but it could be better. Vashikaran mantra malayalam pdf books. Enter Genymotion.

The Genymotion emulator is noticably faster, but it requires some baggage: VirtualBox - which doesn't play well with Parallels Desktop 9 out of the box.

[Detailed tutorial coming soon]


Mac Run Android Emulator Crashing Mac

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create and run your first .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) app.


The documentation for .NET Multi-app Platform UI (.NET MAUI) is under construction.

Mac Run Android Emulator Windows 10

Visual Studio for Mac support will arrive in a future release.


  • The latest preview of Visual Studio 2022, with the required workloads. For more information, see Installation.
  • A configured Android emulator. For more information about creating an Android emulator, see Android emulator setup.

Get started with Visual Studio 2022 (Preview)

In this tutorial, you'll create your first .NET MAUI app in Visual Studio 2022, and run it on an Android emulator:

  1. Launch Visual Studio 2022, and in the start window click Create a new project to create a new project:

  2. In the Create a new project window, select MAUI in the Project type drop-down, select the .NET MAUI App template, and click the Next button:

  3. Akai professional mpc studio black software 1.0.0 for mac. In the Configure your new project window, name your project, choose a suitable location for it, and click the Create button:

  4. Wait for the project to be created, and its dependencies to be restored:

  5. In the Visual Studio toolbar, select the drop-down next to the Start button (the triangular button that resembles a Play button), select Android Emulator, and then select the emulator you'd like to deploy the app to:

  6. In the Visual Studio toolbar, press the Start button to launch the app in your chosen Android emulator.

  7. In the running app in the Android emulator, press the CLICK ME button several times and observe that the count of the number of button clicks is incremented.

Build and debug iOS apps

If, while connecting Visual Studio to your Mac through Xamarin Mac Agent (XMA), you are prompted to install a different version of the SDK, you can ignore the prompt since it refers to a legacy version of XMA.


Visual Studio 2022 can only currently deploy .NET MAUI iOS apps to the iOS simulator, and not to physical devices.


  • An environment that has been configured for .NET MAUI development. For more information, see Install latest .NET 6.
  • A configured Android emulator. For more information about creating an Android emulator, see Android emulator setup.

Get started with .NET command-line interface

In this tutorial, you'll create and run your first .NET MAUI app using the .NET command-line interface (CLI):

  1. In the .NET CLI, create a new .NET MAUI app:

  2. In the .NET CLI, change directory to the newly created project:

  3. In the .NET CLI, change directory to the single project and restore its dependencies:

  4. In the .NET CLI, build and launch the app on your chosen platform:


    These commands will launch the app on the default platform device, if one can be found. On Android, it's recommended to start an emulator before building and launching your app.

Select an iOS simulator

It's possible to specify which simulator is launched and used for net6.0-ios by specifying the _DeviceName MSBuild property:

You can retrieve a list of possible unique device id (UDID) values by executing the simctl list command:

The default iOS simulator will be launched if you don't specify a UDID.