- If you set up NFS, then you can download and unzip Oracle on the Mac, into a directory you share using NFS (www.oracle.com, Downloads, look for Database 10g for Linux, 32 bit).3 While it's downloading, it might be a good time to install your favourite Firefox bookmark synchronisation service - I use Foxmarks.
- The first step is to create a folder for the image. Mkdir /oracledata. Now we create a container and mount it in the latest folder using the oracle-12c image. The command will also run the.
- Choosing the SQL.Plus Instant Client to Install. SQL.Plus Instant Client can be installed in two ways: Download the packages from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). Copy the same files that are in the packages from an Oracle Database 11 g Client Administrator installation.
- Hello everyone, in this video I am describing how to install SQLPLUS in easy steps. If you like this video please like and subscribe my channel to get the la.
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Next, extract the second zip file instantclient-sqlplus-macos.x64- we’ve downloaded from the previous step. It will produce a new folder called “instantclient193”, the same as the previous zip file.
Hello everyone, welcome to another tutorial of the Oracle database. In this article, I am going to show you how to install Oracle instant client on macOS Catalina. Also, you will find out how to install the sqlplus tool on macOS Catalina. Instant Client is a client utility that needed to connect to the Oracle database server. Instant Client is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. If you are Windows users, you can visit my article below to find out how to install Oracle instant client on Windows 10.
Steps to Install Oracle Instant Client on macOS Catalina
Step 1. Download the Software
So we are going to install the instant client as well as the sqlplus utility on macOS Catalina. There are two packages we need to download. Please navigate to the official download page below for more information.
For this particular purpose, we will download the following:
Step 2. Create a New Directory for the Instant Client
It is recommended to create a new directory for the instant client software. In this case, I will create a new directory “/Applications/ora/client”. Use this command to create the directory.
Note: You can create the directory anywhere, for example, you can put it under your home directory.
Now extract the file instantclient-basic-macos.x64- It will produce a new folder called “instantclient_19_3“. Now move the instantclient_19-3 folder to /Applications/ora/client.
Next, extract the second zip file instantclient-sqlplus-macos.x64- we’ve downloaded from the previous step. It will produce a new folder called “instantclient_19_3”, the same as the previous zip file. Now, we need to copy the content to the /Applications/ora/client/instantclient_19_3. Now, it should look like this.
Step 3. Add Links
Next, we need to create link to ~/lib or /usr/local/lib so the application can find the library needed. In Terminal, I use this command to do this
mkdir ~/lib
sudo ln -s /Applications/ora/client/instantclient_19_3/libclntsh.dylib ~/lib/
Step 4. Modify PATH environment
Now, in the final step, we need to modify the PATH environment. We need to add the sqlplus binary to the PATH environment. Edit the file .zprofile under your Home directory.
nano ~/.zprofile
And then add the following lines
Close and save the file. Now, let’s try to connect to our Oracle server via sqlplus.
Step 5. Connect to Oracle using sqlplus
I assume the Oracle database server is accessible from the network. You may read my tutorial on how to enable the network access for the Oracle database.
Please change with your Oracle server IP address. PDB is my pluggable database name.
Please note that SQL Workbench/J has no relation to the product MySQL Workbench which is maintained and owned by Oracle.
If you are looking for MySQL Workbench support please contact Oracle.
SQL Workbench/J requires Java 8 or later
Using Java 11 or later is highly recommended, especially with High-DPI screens.
Build 127 is the last build to support Java 8. Starting with the next build, Java 11 will be required.
Stable release
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Current stable release: Build 127, 2020-08-22 (Release History)
The generic package contains the jar file, the manual (HTML and PDF), shell scripts for Linux/Unix based systems (including MacOS) to start the application as well as a Windows® launcher and sample XSLT scripts.
The download includes the language files for English and German. The application's language can be changed from within the options dialog (Tools -> Options).
If you want to import or export Microsoft Excel files (XLS, XLSX) or import OpenOffice Calc documents, download the 'Generic package including all optional libraries' (approx. 30MB). If you are in doubt which one to use, download that.
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Please see Creating a macOS executable for a short description on how to build a macOS executable using 'Automator'.
Change in the directory layout!
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Starting with build 125 all additional libraries (e.g. for Excel exports) are expected in the sub-directory ext relative to the directory where sqlworkbench.jar is located. The location of the JDBC drivers is not affected by this.
If you download the archive 'with optional libraries', the libraries will automatically be extracted into the ext subdirectory and you can remove the existing libraries from directory where sqlworkbench.jar is located.
- Generic package for all systems including all optional libraries (sha1)
- Generic package for all systems without support for importing or exporting Excel or OpenOffice spreadsheets (sha1)
- Source code (sha1)

Please note:
If you have copied the jar files for the Excel and OpenOffice support before, please delete all existing files from the ext subdirectory before extracting the new archive as some of the library names have changed.
Older versions can be downloaded from the download archive
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You can subscribe to the RSS Feed to receive information about new releases
If you are having problems unzipping the distribution archive with WinZip, please read this.