Still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Use the BlackBerry Contact Catalog to find available support options. From the BlackBerry Contact Catalog drop-down menu, please select the following: Select Technical Support; Select BlackBerry Smartphones & Smartphone Software; Select the appropriate product from Product Type. First, download the BlackBerry Software for Mac.dmg installation file from the official link on above Double-click the DMG file to open it, and you’ll see a Finder window. Often these will include the application itself, some form of arrow, and a shortcut to the Applications folder. About BlackBerry Link - BlackBerry Link for Mac OS - 1.2.2 3:05.
System Requirements for BlackBerry Link for Windows
- BlackBerry Link
- Windows
- BlackBerry 10 OS
- BlackBerry PlayBook
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Software |
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Installing and uninstalling BlackBerry Desktop Software on a Mac computer
The most current version of the BlackBerry Desktop Software can be downloaded here for installation on a Mac computer.
Complete the following steps to install the BlackBerry Desktop Software:
- Download the BlackBerry Desktop Software.dmg file to the Mac computer.
- Double-click the disk image to mount it.
- Double-click BlackBerry Desktop Software Installer, and click Continue when prompted.
- Introduction and Read Me screens appear. Click Continue on both screens.
- Click the appropriate country and then click Continue after reading the license agreement.
- Select the Destination to install the application (Downloads folder is the default location)
- Click Continue.
- If the Mac computer is password-protected, type the password when prompted and then click Continue Installation.
- Once the installation is complete, click Restart to restart the Mac computer.
Complete the following steps to remove the BlackBerry Desktop Software:
Note: The disk image that is used to install the BlackBerry Desktop Software is also required for removal. Using the BlackBerry Desktop Software.dmg select the uninstall option.
If the disk image is no longer present on the Mac computer, download and re-install the BlackBerry Desktop Software. Default download location is in ~/Downloads.
- Double-click the BlackBerry Desktop Software.dmg image to mount it.
- Click BlackBerry Desktop Software Uninstaller.
- Click Continue to confirm the removal.
- If the Mac computer is password-protected, type the password when prompted and then click OK.
- Click OK at the confirmation prompt.
Additional Information
Sometimes the BlackBerry Desktop Software icon is still present in the Dock after the BlackBerry Desktop Software has been removed. If this happens, manually remove the icon from the Dock after the BlackBerry Desktop Software has been removed.